Newgrounds has been under siege by legions of spam for most of its lifetime its about time we FIGHT BACK and show those dirty spammers what we are made of.Sign up here while I organize the crew we will destory every spam submission one by one... even if it takes me my whole life I will devote it to cilling spam on newgrounds. You should too if you are smart.
1 . Orangebeef (prez)
2. Retrato )Leader Retrato)
3. USERNAMED (tech support)
4. Snaws (
5. Fleek
6. Lolmetaknight (FLash ci,ller)
7. Kvinel (The Dude)))
8. StagBeetle (Poor Old Spammer Hatin
9. Splatter (bl*m*r)
9. Hooker
10. SONTUK (advocate of MOZZ
11. JoeyBang (1337)
12. SUFFERING!!!!!!!!!!!! (Direct Cam Upload) (cool)
13. Fawx (WTF!)
14. Jehosapha (He hacks spammers)
15. Dooseyboy (Spam Killer)
15 MAYORMCHEESE (**** *** ***** ****)
16 . Bkdude (He makes recruitment flashes
17: Chillbro (Hacker)
18. OMGROFLLMAO (IDK but he can code like a **********)
19. MetaknightPWNS (Mod Hacker)
20. chat-man (PM Spammer)
21. perfectedidiot2 (Troll)
22. CuteAndFuzzy (Master blamer)
23. Elios (Malicious Motherfucker)
24. insan0 (spide man)
25 I need someone to take "Ownage" and "Blame gun"
26. memea (Epic BLam protector, watches over portal constantly for SPAM!!! flash.)
28. (Deputy Chief)
29 OrtizanimationZ (Dragonforce)
30 Levon (Plateguys DESTROYER (destoryer of plate- guys and chat man
31 Chat-man (PM Spammer/Advertiser)
32. lolmetaknight (Options)
32 retr0smash (Deputy Chief of BLAME)
34 CrankyMcGregor (Spame Guard)
35. matrixcowofficial (crew ciller)
36. Wasim (Spame Destroyer)
SORRY my list is a little messy I will fic it up later. no levons allowed
here is a MOTIVATIONAL image to get you pumped to start voting 0 on some movies and sending PMs to administrators when the situation becomes out of hand!
9/13/09 EDIT @@@: List updated for the 8th time. LOL. Lots of new members coming in, thanks! :P I'm glad to see this crew getting off its knees.
9/13/09 EDIT #2 : SORRY I seemed to have caused a little confusion with our member positions. You gotta fight fire with fire if you know what I'm sayin. Gotta fight spam with even MORE spam, to show those idiot 12 year olds what it's like. We're not a malicious crew bent on destroying Newgrounds, we only use our powers to destroy those who would otherwise destroy Newgrounds. Sorry for the confusion
9/13/09 EDIT 3: zzzzzz
9/13/09 EDIT 4: Boy A lot of edit's today! FUCK OF DUCK DIVISION, one more strike and we will blam all your flash plus more. I know your alts. I can RUIN you. No more stealing awards.. just think about it. Remember:
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