what do u wanna know bitch

Age 16, Male


Behind You

Joined on 1/13/06

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friends $ shit

Posted by Orangebeef - November 13th, 2009

I haven't updated my friends list for a long time, so here it is currently.

MAH BUDS (friends)
Genderless-Hooker: He is very serious but at times he's funny he also was the most trolled out of all my buds and so e doesn't even post anymore but he still does comment and chat.

Daveb0rt: He's the megaman freak in my friends list, he's obsessed with "Zero" . He likes to post random vids and has a bad temper, we get into arguments once in a while but we're still friends.

MherMeiser: He is great at drawing with MS paint and loves to go on camping trips. I haven't seen and talked to him in a LONG time!

MetaknightPWNS1: He's a GREAT artist and likes weegee the most out of all my friends.

MisterLevon: She loves drawing and she's great at it!, she's a manga artist, she is also funny and makes great stories. I haven't seen her in a while and haven't even talked to her for months! I'm sure she'll back in the summer..

lolmetaknight: He is great at drawing and is funny too!, sanity-of-insanity stole art from him ever since he joined NG but now he's friends wid her too. I also have not seen him ever since school started!

Snooker: She is always bored but funny and has entertaining posts, she's a great artist but she doesn't have a scanner so she can't share he awesome art talent.

Kavinel: He loves ssbb and of course sonic, he is also VERY VERY good at getting medals.

Spinister There's nothing really to say about mag except he's a great artist and is very funny.


perfectedidiot2 He's a fag who thinks it's funny to comment spam on artists like Me and metaknightpwns1.

MetaknightPWNS2 He's a gay fag who pretends to be my friend and draws XXX porn that is poorly drawn and says that HE'S the real Metaknight and the real one is just a poser.

Chat-Man He was cool until he teamed up with Metaknightpwns2 and started submitting spam flashes with other fags who think it's also funny and they continually submit spam.

FleekThe ULTIMATE fag. SOmuch of a faggy fag that he actually REQUESTED to get on the fag list. lol what a homo? he has also continually trolled my best buds in the whole world and he deserves whatever comes 2 him.
I like my list LAWL :3

friends $ shit


I see what you did there..

nice fake list moron, it tells fake information and I posted my stuff first.

me and you both know that you stole my list

Listen you fuck, my name is Champ. If you so much as LOOK at me funny, I will tear out your spine and furiously masturbate on it. You better watch your ass.

thank you for adding me ob

dude i am your friend update yor list :----(]

I remember that Day. Yes I call this a "Day". The "Day" I got back from school, begged my momma to let me jack off to metaknight and kirby. After I jacked off I checked My Favoruite Site, Yes Newgrounds. When I enetered Memea's userpage ... I saw something horiblle. Pornographic materials, on his userpage. Yes, he was hacked. .. Then I checked mine... And .. I saw this -> <a href="http://metaknightpwns.newgrounds.com">http://metaknightpwns.newgrounds.com</a>

I still miss my old account. My only wish is to get these hackers. Who I mean by hackers ? I mean these bastards, these spammers who tear this Great Site and dont let Alvin Earthworm win cah D****t !
I mean Metaknightpwns 2 that poser who hacked me, and who pretends to be me !
Chat-man, oh yes the famous thief ! Oh great he stole another post !
and this Chillbor, I swear I hate him ! He helps the thief and that poser Metaknightpwns2 !
Oh man Someday I will catch them.,, Yes.. someday.

i will help you .........we will free all who have been the targets of trolls. in fac t ill start the anti hooker organizaton.

Wow thank you!

u put som failed abortion like levon on there and not me??? WTF ur not my frend nemore.....

mayne i just put that there so chat-man could steal it and i was very FAST an now everyones lik u forgot about me ):


please leave me alone i can not handle much more of your persistent trolling


Too bad you have a garbage whistle.

i had a gold whistle but it became garbage after a moderator was hacked. the admins have been too lazy/haven't read my pms to change it, but whistles are absolutely useless anyway unless you actually enjoy cleaning up newgrounds. it's not like i would put my whistle to good use anyway so i see no loss there???


thers shit everywhere