what do u wanna know bitch

Age 16, Male


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Orangebeef's News

Posted by Orangebeef - February 26th, 2009

join the kitty krew revival today!!!

O shit i deleted daveb0ts comment LMAO! (-:

um fuck u

Posted by Orangebeef - February 17th, 2009

$$$$$~~~~~~WhO aCtUaLlY GoEs On NeWgRoUnDs AnYmOrE LoL~~~$$$$ dog


Posted by Orangebeef - January 21st, 2009

The Cheetahmen

And so...

Posted by Orangebeef - January 18th, 2009

At first we saw one or two fall and thought nothing of it, never thinking it could result in a Meteor shower. Using the "Star-Zap" Laser we shoot them out of the sky, before they collide with things, but the meteor shower gets more intense.


Posted by Orangebeef - December 27th, 2008

I have something in the works.

Here is a screenshot


Posted by Orangebeef - December 21st, 2008

so i got some shit and

Money Bitch!

Posted by Orangebeef - December 17th, 2008

He still could remember it quite well... The dark forest... The robotizied cobalt blue hedgehog who just fled from him... And that creature.

It came out of nowhere through Chaos Control... It stared at him with those empty... Black eyes...

He resembled Cosmo in everyway... He was clearly male...

Void... He said his name was Void... And that he was the son of Cosmo, of all things!!

And then, he just attacked the astonished two-tailed Kitsune for no apparent reason... Despite the surprise, Tails still had the presence of mind and natural instincts to react...

"Why are you attacking me!?" Asked the kit while avoiding several punches and kicks from his unjustified assaulter.

The creature stopped for a second... He seemed to be uncomfortable as well by this situation... He really didn't want to do it.

He didn't want to hurt the most important person in his mother's young life... He had her memories of him planted (excuse the pun) in his mind... Every ounce of his body was protesting and hesitating...

But... As Void understood... He didn't really have a choice, either. In order to fulfill the first part of the Ancient Prophecy, he had to make an example out of the fox... No matter how wrong it felt, there wasn't any room for personal feelings in his mission!

"I'm sorry..." He started to mutter. "... But it is necessary! Forgive me... Tails."

"How do you know my name!?" Asked the panicked fox. "Just, who are you!?"

He didn't respond this time... He simply raised his hands high above his head... His body started to glow and his eyes, from black and soulless became bright white... Then he put his strange clawed hands on the ground...

A short earthquake shook the land under Tails's feet.

And for the first time, since Cosmo's sacrifice, the kit could see the True Powers of a Seedrian in action... On his own skin... And bones...

Humongous plant like branches came out from the ground like rotten zombies in a Horror

B-movie... Tails was taken by surprise... He didn't stand a chance.

He's been beaten... Battered... And severely wounded... But not killed.

That wasn't the plan! The Kitsune's death would have meant failure.

Calmly, the void eyed one approached his apparently younger victim, who was now on the ground... In a small pool of his own blood.

"Don't worry, you will survive this night... It is written! This has been a friendly advice... Stay away from the Chaos Emeralds or else, next time I won't be so gentle..." He threatened him right before disappearing into the familiar green miasma of teleportation.

The kit had heard him... The Chaos Emeralds? Was he looking for them? What the heck was going on?

He needed answers... But first of all... He needed to be cured.

From the point he was in, his adopted mother's hut was the closer place... He slowly raised his mauled little body from the heartless ground and started walking toward the hut's direction...

Traces of fresh blood were left on his every step...

That definetelly wasn't his day!

Tails woke up from his nap, still shaking.

He took a moment to clear his head from the dumbness of sleep, then he looked his surroundings... He immediately recognized the beautiful flowery field, the ruins... And the unique plants he knew as "Kitsune's Mates"...

The ancient ruin zone... His and Cosmo's secret place... Was wonderful as ever. So pure and perfect, so peaceful and comforting... So sad.

In a way, this small, secluded piece of paradise, hidden by the thick secular trees... Could have almost be seen as a metaphoric vision of Cosmo's own soul.

There they were, the young flowers... Symbols of her happiness and childish joy.

The rare plants she was born from... They were her determination and will to survive... Her strongest emotions, like Love...

The old ruins, which were anti-climatic with the whole natural ambient, represented her darkest thoughts, her fears and insecurities but also her memories... Her worst memories.

And then, there was him, set on the grassy ground, shoulders on a tree... Tails, the love of her life, the main object of her thoughts.

He sighed. That was very romantic to imagine but completely pointless, none the less.

"It's really beautiful here, don't you think? It's almost like a metaphoric representation of her mind..."

Tails seemed un-fazed by that remark, although it was exactly what he was thinking about this place. He slowly and calmly turned his head to fix his gaze on his not so unexpected guest.

Green bushy hair, black cloaked vest, weird 3-fingered hands and, of course, his namesake eyes.

"Hi, Void..." The young vulpine greeted. "... Or should I call you... Son?" He added chuckling.

Void put on a bewildered look.

"... Tails, I'm actually older than you... That sounded weird." He replied.

The "younger one" openly laughed this time.

"True... True."

A few seconds of silence followed... During this lapse of time, the two of them intently observed each other like if it was the first time they ever met... In a way, it was.

Void was trying to understand why his mother seemed to love this kid so much... Why did she find him so... lovable?

Tails's attention, on the other hand, was focused on a more material detail... Void's shoes.

He hadn't noticed it the first time but the plant like boy was wearing the very same kind of shoes he used to have... A pair of red and white sneakers! The fox smirked within himself... They definetelly had similarities.

"So... You knew I would come here?" Suddenly asked the Seedrian, interrupting the awkward staring session.

Tails nodded.

"You were born here, after all... Right where I planted that seed... Over there." He said while pointing to the direction of the now three "Kitsune's Mate" plants.

Void crossed his arms... It didn't really surprise him that his un-official "daddy" has been able to figure out where he came from... The memories the Seedrian had, used to depict the fox as a genius.

Tails was still set with his back on the tree's log... He put his arms behind his head in the classical relaxed manner.

"I think I've understood the real reason of why you attacked me a little more than a week ago... You wanted me to start looking for the emeralds... Not the opposite!" He said, displaying a hint of self-confidence in his tone.

Void was still un-fazed.

"Convincing someone to do something by telling him to do the exact opposite thing of you wanted him to do... Reversed Psychology is an old trick... You just added a violent beating in it." Tails continued. "By the way, how's Blaze doing? Did she voluntarily joined you or you just brainwashed her?"

At this point, Void chuckled in amusement.

"Congratulations... You are truly clever, I must admit. To answer your question... Blaze voluntarily chose to follow me." He said with a proud broad smile on his light grey skin.

"... I see. That means that we'll probably have to fight her too." Sadness and discomfort was visible in the boy's azure eyes.

"Her... And Shadow!" Void ultimately added.

For the first time since the beginning of their conversation / challenge, Tails found himself taken aback...

"SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG IS ON YOUR SIDE!!!?" He yelled while abruptly standing up from the soil.

Void smirked in satisfaction, he seemed to be the winner of their "I'll impress you the most" verbal confrontation.

"Yes... And we already have 2 more emeralds, beside the one I already own, thanks to his efforts!" His smiling face was the picture of Victory. " Oh! And there's a certain pink someone who has a thing for him... In case you didn't know!"

Tails missed the last sentence... He was trying to sink the previous informations inside his head... Suddenly, it all made sense.

He still remembered, a little less than two months ago... After his fight against the shadowy hedgehog...

He said something about the fact that he had made a choice... Something daring and revolutionary that would have changed the world... Was he talking about this?

The kit sighed... Naugus had Shadow on his side, that would have been a very, big problem... To put it euphemistically.

Tails resumed his glance on his interlocutor.

"Tell me, Void... What did Naugus offer to convince Shadow to join him? And what did he promise to you, anyway?" He asked, dead seriousness in his features.

Now it was Void's turn to be taken aback.

"How... How do you know about my father?" His previous smile was now substituted with a panicked face.


That sentence hit the Seedrian like a train... His facial features were now utterly contorted by the sudden shock his brain just received.

Tails saw this and immediately calmed himself... He took a deep breath and spoke again.

"Yes, Void... Cosmo is alive... We all thought she died when she used Chaos Control on that nuke and teleported the both of them away from this world... Instead, she ended up in the same place Naugus has been confined for so long... The Sanctuary."

"But... That's impossible... She couldn't have possibly come in that dimension... Naugus couldn't have bring her there unless she would have wanted to... YOU'RE LYING!!!" Void's shocked expression was now replaced by a furious one.

Tails crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

"No... It's true. She came to visit me in my dreams... She told me everything she knew about Naugus's scheme... And you." He reopened his eyes and once again, fixed his gaze over the Seedrian boy. "She would have loved to meet you... Her only son." He concluded solemnly, desperately trying to hold back a few sorrowful tears.

Void, on the other hand, wasn't even breathing... He stood still like a statue... Frozen on spot.

Then he started shaking and trembling like a leaf in the wind... That was a good pun!

Finally, he snapped... He pointed his right arm toward the vulpine and put the left one right on the red gem on his chest.

"CHAOS SPEAR!!!" He cried out load.

Tails easily avoided the shot that hit the tree instead... Then he darted toward his opponent at lightening speed thanks to his propelled namesakes... And knocked the wind out of the panicked plant being's stomach with a punch.

Void was taken by surprise... He didn't stand a chance.

He collapsed on the ground, holding his painful belly.

The victorious kit looked down at him... There wasn't satisfaction in his face, not even pride or a mischievous grin... Only utter soreness.

He felt bad for Void... For what he had to go through... False ideals, false securities, false prophecies... And the fact that he's been forced to relive all of her mother's memories, doubts and sufferance.

Looking down at his un-wished adversary... Tails didn't feel pity, sympathy yes, but not pity! As a matter of fact, Void reminded the Kitsune a lot of himself... And not just because of the aforementioned cool shoes... The Seedrian was clearly a selected one, just like Tails, and for that he suffered. He's been put inside something that was bigger than him... And he's been forced to skip his childhood in order to fulfill his so-called life mission...

They were so similar.

Suddenly, the kit felt the urge to hug him... But he decided against it... It would have been anti-climatic.

"Go ask your 'father', if you don't believe me... And then, try to read his soul... I know you can do it... You tried to do it with me for the whole time." He casually added.

Void slowly raised his head to look at the two-tailed vulpine above him... Desperation on his gaze.

"So long... Son." With that said, Tails spun his famous appendages and rose in air, flying away from there.

The black eyed boy was left alone... Or so he thought.

From the top of a secular tree, another figure appeared... A familiar lilac feline.

Blaze the Cat immediately darted in Void's aid.

"Stay... Away... From me... Blaze!" If he could he would have yelled it.

She stopped right where she were, a few steps from him, her face was showing a great deal of concern.

"Void..." She muttered.

"How long... Have you been listening?" He asked after resuming his standing position.

She lowered her head in shame.

"I'm sorry... I was just worried about you."

"I'M NOT A BABY, FOR CHAOS'S SAKE!!! I'M THE BLASTED IBLIS TRIGGER!!!" He managed to scream through the pain of his stomach.

She sighed quite loudly... He and Tails were so similar... Although, now that she thought about it, she noticed the kit's sudden change of behavior... He seemed more mature and determined than ever.

Very little was left of the kid she grew accustomed with... But it was still there... Somewhere inside his heart... She just sensed it.

"Blaze? Hello, Earth to Blaze?" The juvenile voice interrupted her thoughts.


"What were you thinking?"

"Nothing important... Tell me, you think what Tails said was true? Do you believe... She's still alive and all?" She asked him, not hiding her apprehensions and hopes.

"I don't know... But I'm about to find out!" He declared, showing great determination in doing so.

Blaze giggled within herself.

Yep... They're definetelly similar... She thought. I can see why Tails called him his son... He was the one who planted the seed, after all.

i didnt read this btw


Posted by Orangebeef - October 15th, 2008

Hey everyone head down to the portal, plenty of free blam points for you today


Posted by Orangebeef - October 11th, 2008

wat do i do?????

i got ma dick hangin out!!!!!!!!

Posted by Orangebeef - October 4th, 2008

why do you fuckers think that every flash needs a story and plot

isnt "orangebeef tries to protect a city from a meteor" enough???
